(she/her) Assistant Professor of Technology & Operations Management INSEAD
I am an Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD.
I received my Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of California, Berkeley, where I was fortunate to be jointly advised by Zuo-Jun Max Shen and Anil Aswani. During my time at Berkeley, I gained experience working with the data science and advanced analytics teams at Meta and Apple. I hold B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from the Middle East Technical University.
My research designs stochastic data-driven models and computational algorithms for operations management (OM) involving strategic agents with information asymmetries, which manifest by limitations in data that is shared between parties. This work revitalizes classical OM theory by drawing from a diverse spectrum of techniques in online sequential learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, optimization, and principal-agent theory.
I am particularly interested in exploring applications in the domain of (environmental) sustainability analytics, where I specialize in formulating sustainable business operations that effectively mitigate the climate crisis. Moreover, my work holds wide practical relevance, extending to areas such as supply chain management and healthcare analytics.
Repeated Principal-Agent Games with Unobserved Agent Rewards and Perfect-Knowledge Agents.
Ilgin Dogan, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, and Anil Aswani.
Major Revision, Operations Research.
Estimating and Incentivizing Imperfect-Knowledge Agents with Hidden Rewards.
Ilgin Dogan, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, and Anil Aswani.
Under Review, Operations Research.
Regret Analysis of Learning-Based MPC with Partially-Unknown Cost Function.
Ilgin Dogan, Anil Aswani, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2024), Vol. 69 (5), pp. 3246-3253.
Representing the Nondominated Set in Multi-objective Mixed-integer Programs.
Ilgin Dogan, Banu Lokman, and Murat Köksalan.
European Journal of Operational Research (2022), Vol. 296 (3), pp. 804-818.
Strategies for Climate Resilience: Mitigating Flooding Risks in Location Planning..
Ilgin Dogan, Anil Aswani, Ho-Yin Mak, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen.
Working paper.
Incorporating Fairness into Incentive Design in Principal-Agent Models with Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard.
Yoon Lee, Ilgin Dogan, Anil Aswani, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen.
In preparation for submission.
Teaching Assistant:
Teaching Assistant:
Advanced Analytics Ph.D. Intern
WorldWide Business Process Re-engineering – Advanced Analytics, Sunnyvale, CA
Project 1: iPhone Facility Layout Optimization
Project 2: Parallel Optimization for AppleCare Supply Planning Solvers
Research Data Scientist Intern
Infrastructure Strategy Data Science, Menlo Park, CA
Project: Targeting Viewers and Broadcasters for Ultra-Low End-to-End Live Stream Latency
Service Operations Intern
Business Excellence Deployment, Bursa, Turkiye
Project: Deploying Kaizen Methodology
IEOR Faculty Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2021.
"This fellowship stands as the top graduate student award within the department. This annual recognition is awarded to an outstanding graduate student, selected from a pool of graduate students who excel in academics and leadership, as nominated by the faculty."
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, UC Berkeley, 2021.
"This award honors UC Berkeley teaching assistants annually for exceptional teaching on campus, as nominated within their department."
IEOR Ph.D. First-year Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2018-2019.
Graduate Research Fellowship, Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK, NSF-equivalent), 2017-2018.
Graduate Courses Performance Award, Middle East Technical University, 2018.
Dean's High Honor List in B.S., Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2016.